A Tale Of Old Gamers - Adam’s Evil Haberdashery

As much as I had indeed played a fair chunk of 3rd Ed Warhammer Fantasy Battle, my heart will always belong to the ever wondrous Fourth edition of the game. Skewing somewhere between the out and out bizarre chaos of previous editions and the more solidified ranges of what was to come post 5th Ed, this was the edition that caught me mind and soul with it’s characterful sculpts and rules, and a still now solid (though old as hell and feels it) ruleset. It;s here that the Tale of Old Gamers concept dwells, hiding in the shadows in a time of doom divers that could never fly and knights that would never be able to ride a horse. It’s silly with a deep vein of darkness, grim and gritty with colour and joy. Also, card spells are great and very satisfying.

So, with the idea of taking on a challenge of slowly building a 4th/5th ed army for fun, the rules were decided.

1) the army list must be from 4th or 5th ed Warhammer Fantasy Battle

2) The miniatures need to feel of the time, but do not need to be early to mid 1990s sculpts, for obvious expensive reasons.

3) there’s no rush. this is a long term bit of fun with an end goal of meeting up to play, but the important part is to enjoy it.

So I went Big Hat Chaos Dwarves. because I am a masochist

It all began when discussing the concept of this challenge at my local GW store, and being introduced to a man who was wanting some minis painted in exchange for some old 90s Chaos Dwarves he had. One command group, some monopose minis and a doomrocket came my way, and it began.

From there I began searching ebay and STL files, and came across Fabelzel, who does absolutely amazing sculpts for Warriors, Blunderbusses, some Bull Centaurs, a Sorcerer and a wonderful Lamassu. With those found and his patreon subscribed to, I had the base of what I was wanting to achieve, with miniatures that scratched the itch i have,

After some playing around, I decided to up the base size to 25mm for the dwarves whilst keeping the Hobgoblins on 20mm. This would allow me some variation on placement to give a more mutable look to the units. As it stands, the army is currently:

2x 30 warriors (about 60 percent painted)

1x 30 blunderbuss

1 x Lamassu and Sorceror

1x Sorceror

1x Doomrocket and crew (in need of stripping and repainting)

and a single Hobgoblin.

The plan is to add 2 units of 12 Centaurs, 1 unit of Hobgoblin archers, 1 unit of 30 Hobgoblin warriors, a Great Tarus, 1 unit of 30 Black Orcs and somehow… an Astrogoth.

There is some other stuff I wish to add further down the line which I’ll keep to myself for now. Other than to say I always found it strange there was never any Hashut Minotaurs.

Concept wise, I’m thinking this will be an exploratory force, seeking an area in which to build, and trade with the denizens of the dark. I may build a few chariots to go with the army as well as siege parts decked out to look like construction tools. Overall, this is something of an exciting challenge and I’ll see you next time with an update



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